If your certification and registration is discontinued, you can reinstate online if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You missed your annual renewal deadline and are within your CE biennium.
  • You missed your annual renewal deadline, it’s less than six months after your CE biennium end date, and you have completed the necessary CE activities.
  • You missed your annual renewal deadline, it’s less than six months after your CE biennium end date, and you have NOT completed the necessary CE activities. After you reinstate online, you’ll be placed on CE probation.
  • You didn’t complete the entire CQR process within your three-year compliance period. You'll have one year after your CQR window closes to reinstate online. During that time, you must complete all components of CQR and report any required CE. (Contact us at the number below to discuss your specific situation.)

If your certification and registration has been discontinued and you do not meet one of the criteria above, you'll have to reinstate by re-examination (retaking the ARRT exam in your discipline and any supporting disciplines, if necessary).


You will need to retake an ARRT exam to reinstate your credentials: 

  • If you don't complete and report your required CE activities within your six-month probation period.
  • If your credentials were suspended or revoked due to a sanction. (In this case, you must first request sanction removal. If approved, you may apply for reinstatement of your credentials by examination.)
  • If you don’t complete the entire CQR process within your three-year compliance window, and you don’t complete CQR and reinstate in the year after your CQR window closes. (Contact us at the number below to discuss your specific situation.)


Additional information can be found in our: 

If you'd like to speak with someone about your specific circumstances or to request a reinstatement by examination application, call 651.687.0048. Choose the option for renewal, reinstatement, or continuing education.