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ARRT to Change Fluoroscopy Cut Score on Jan. 1, 2024

On Jan. 1, 2024, ARRT will begin using a new cut score for the Fluoroscopy examination. A cut score is the number of correct answers needed to pass an exam.

Although we’ll continue to report the exam’s cut score as a scaled score of 75, the minimum number of correct items necessary to meet the passing threshold will be approximately four more than in the past. A passing score shows that a candidate has mastered adequate knowledge to be considered qualified to perform the role safely and effectively.

The revised cut score reflects new performance expectations in fluoroscopy and replaces the previous cut score set in 2010.

Why the Change?

Since 2010, the types of fluoroscopy exams—as well as the skills and knowledge needed to perform radiography procedures safely and effectively—have changed. When changes take place, or when it’s been some time since we last evaluated the cut score for an exam, ARRT conducts a standard-setting study.

In psychometrics, we consider periodic evaluation of cut scores a best practice. Such studies re-evaluate the level of performance necessary to pass an ARRT exam. They give us confidence that cut scores are valid measurements of who should and shouldn’t be recognized as qualified to practice.

How Did ARRT Determine the New Cut Score?

To determine an appropriate cut score, our Fluoroscopy Standard Setting Advisory Committee members reviewed each question from a representative version of the exam and rated the likelihood that candidates at or just above the passing threshold would answer it correctly. That process required multiple rounds of ratings and incorporated in-depth discussions. The goal was to determine what level of exam performance would demonstrate sufficient knowledge and skills for practice in fluoroscopy.

The advisory committee ultimately submitted its cut-score recommendation to ARRT’s Board of Trustees. The Board reviewed the recommendation and all information from the standard setting study before adopting a revised cut score.

What Effect Will the Change Have?

The standard-setting process helps to ensure that our exam appropriately measures who should and shouldn’t practice in fluoroscopy. We anticipate that the new cut score and performance expectations may lead to a slight decrease in the percentage of candidates who pass the Fluoroscopy exam.