When you become a Registered Technologist (R.T.), patients will be at the heart of everything you do. It’s important to always have the knowledge and skills needed to provide the best possible care to those you serve. That’s why ARRT requires R.T.s to maintain their certification and registration by fulfilling a variety of important requirements. 

To begin, you'll need to remain compliant with ARRT Rules and Regulations and ARRT Standards of Ethics. In addition, you'll need to meet the following requirements listed on this page. 


Who must complete annual renewal?
All R.T.s and R.R.A.s.

When/how often?
You’ll renew your certification and registration every year.

More info:

  • To complete your annual renewal, you must be current with your biennial Continuing Education (CE) Requirements (see next section below).
  • In addition, to renew an R.R.A. credential, or a credential in a discipline you earned using the postprimary eligibility pathway, you must also maintain certification and registration in the related supporting discipline.
  • Your annual renewal deadline will always be the last day of your birth month. 
  • You can renew quickly and easily online.

As an R.T., you’ll need to renew your certification and registration every year. In order to do so, you must be current with your biennial Continuing Education (CE) Requirements (see section below). In addition, to renew an R.R.A. credential, or a credential in a discipline you earned using the postprimary eligibility pathway, you must also maintain certification and registration in the related supporting discipline.

Your annual renewal deadline will always be the last day of your birth month. You can renew quickly and easily online. And you’ll find that our renewal fees are significantly lower than those of many other credentialing organizations. 


Who must complete biennial CE?
All R.T.s and R.R.A.s.

When/how often?
You’ll report your CE activities every two years (biennially) as part of your annual renewal process. We call the two years during which you complete CE a “biennium.” Your biennium will end on the last day of the month before your birth month every other year. Your annual renewal and your CE biennium deadlines will be two separate dates.

More info:

  • A range of activities can count towards your CE requirements, including approved online classes, self-study readings and modules, lectures at professional society meetings, and classroom learning.
  • You’ll have access to detailed information and instructions on CE after you earn your first ARRT credential. To learn more now, review the ARRT Education Requirements for Obtaining and Maintaining Certification and Registration document.

Looking for activities to fulfill your biennial CE requirements?
The easiest way to find approved category A and A+ activities is by using this biennial CE search tool.


Who must complete CQR?

  • All R.R.A.s
  • R.T.s who earned their credentials on or after Jan.1, 2011

When/how often?
You’ll complete CQR every 10 years.

More info:

  • As health care technology evolves, and patients demand increased accountability from providers, many credentialing agencies—including ARRT—have created long-term requirements for maintaining credentials. CQR helps identify gaps in knowledge and skills that might cause you to fall behind today’s entry-level qualifications. It then develops a plan for refreshing your understanding and abilities.
  • If you’d like to learn more, visit our video library to watch our CQR videos. Upon becoming an R.T., you’ll have access to detailed information about the CQR process when you log in to your online account.